RedReturn is a performance, videoart, erotic and pornographic project
by romanian visual artist Tony Red.
A project aimed towards reality.

This World, where genital life is hidden and closed between two people, is made for bad people. Is a world defending itself from the illusions and fears of bad and abusive behavior.

I claim a world of good people, a world where bad does not exist, where death does not exist where purity can transpass all out inner layers and corners and borders.
I claim an Inoffensive world.
We are all children, pure, alive, and joyous.
Is better to give up your life, than letting yourself harm another.  
Sinking our purity, gets us further and further away from reality.
Reality is a White Angle is a Red Return.

This World, we can only have in Art. Only Art can keep it safe and pure. Only protected from our weaknesses and frustrations.  
redreturn3 at yahoo.com

RED Return is a group of performers and visual artists that begun developing the concept of an ideal world.
A world of open heart, open mind, a world outside the normal one. That is why the world is fictitious and needs to be so for otherwise it will be crushed by Normality.
Our main focus is on sensuality and provocative content,
on finding a way out of the chaos into a reality that is not in any way conflictual
and let's your heart open.
Our bodies are symbols of purity.
Our passions and emotions are symbols of freedom.
Our love is a symbol of empathy and understanding.
Hope in a sweet and pure way.
Hope in a non-stylized way.
Sometimes beautiful.

Tony Red

We want:
.to do what we can’t do.
.to fail.
.to be rejected.
.to be laughed at.
.not to meet expectations.
.not to make sense or have a meaning.
.not to want

Continuous panic attacks. Extreme emotional conditions.
Self inflicted EMOTIONAL PAIN

Durerea Emoțională a Fricii

In trying to create and remain pure, outside society we earn very little out of our freelancing, so if you would like to help this project please donate 2 dollars for our cause.

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