Unmade - No Genitals - Anus is Fear - Puppet

Unmade - are posts about what I would like to do and couldn't find a way to do it. Either no performers or no financial possibilities. Usually no performers because my ideas are often too pornographic, too emotional, transgressive, too truthful without any possibility of hiding behind a controllable Persona. 

NO GENITALS - two performers a girl and a boy face to face they tape each others Genitals, they try to make the other one completely non-sexual. Genitals as the mouth, the eyes, the tongue, the breasts, the penis, the vagina, the toes, the ribs, the neck, the hair, the ears, hands, armpits, asshole, everything.
And after all is closed they get close to one another and touch, and make Love covered in tape, a non genitalia sexuality.

ANUS is FEAR - two performers, two boys - one touching the others anus, the anus as the ultimate representative of fear.
Gentle touching of the Anus, the contracting of the Anus, the relaxation -the Anus is like a wild animal that fears so quickly so irrational so stupid.
The colors change as the feelings of the touching - the music will be specially composed on what is happening.

PUPPET - two performers boy boy or boy girl - between two people there are some kind of worlds that change with time. First is the stage of PUPPET where one moves the other and he just receives passively all that One is giving him.her - then is IMITATION where the Two imitates One in everything - then is CONTRADICTION where Two does all but to follow the One - then in IMITATION of CONTRADICTION where One starts to imitate Two's contradiction - and then is DIALOGUE where Two moves in feeling with One and One in feeling with Two - when they become All and One/Two and a Whole.
A dance/movement performance.


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